进口燃气阻火器 进口燃气管道阻火器 进口燃气阻火器
进口燃气阻火器 进口燃气管道阻火器 进口燃气阻火器
详细信息 一、进口燃气阻火器概述—德国沃德WODE进口燃气阻火器又名防火器,指指安装在管道中间,防止外部火焰窜入存有易燃易爆气体的设备、管道内或阻止火焰在设备、管道间蔓延。适用于管道、闪点低于28℃的甲类、油品、氢氧液化类和闪点低于60℃的煤油、柴油、甲笨原油等,输送可燃性气体的管道上、火炬系列、油气回收系统、加热炉燃料气的管网上、气体净化通化系统、气体分析系统、煤矿瓦斯排放系统。Gas flame arrester is also known as the fire, at the installation in the middle of the pipeline, to prevent external flame there is flammable gas fleeing into the equipment, pipeline and preventing the spread of flame in the equipment, pipeline. Suitable for pipeline, flash point less than 28 C A, oil, hydrogen and oxygen liquefaction and flash point is lower than 60 ℃ kerosene, diesel oil, toluene, delivery of combustible gas pipeline, the torch series, oil and gas recovery system, heating furnace fuel gas pipeline network, gas purification, gas analysis system, Tonghua system coal mine gas drainage system.二、进口燃气管道阻火器产品特征1、进口燃气阻火器结构合理,重量轻,耐腐蚀,阻爆性能合格,连续13次以亚音速火焰试验每次都能阻火。2、进口燃气阻火器易检修,安装方便。3、进口燃气阻火器耐烧性能合格,耐烧试验1小时无回火现象。4、进口燃气阻火器芯子采用不锈钢材料,耐腐蚀,易于清洗。壳体水压试验合格。三、进口燃气阻火器产品参数:口径:DN15-800压力:PN16-500外体材质:铸钢,不锈钢阻火层材质:不锈钢 适用温度:-40~+300℃适用介质:燃气、天然气、液化气、煤气、石油气,页岩气等如果您有需要咨询更详细的产品信息欢迎联系授权一级代理商:北京高科恒通阀门有限公司电话:010-57164003 手机:13381067663 联系人:苏先生 |