进口遥控浮球阀 100x遥控浮球阀 不锈钢遥控浮球阀
进口遥控浮球阀 100x遥控浮球阀 不锈钢遥控浮球阀
详细信息 进口遥控浮球阀|100遥控浮球阀|不锈钢遥控浮球阀|进口隔膜阀浮球阀|球墨铸铁浮球阀 进口遥控浮球阀是兼具多种功能的水力操作式阀门。主要安装于水池或高架水塔的进水口处,当水位达到设定的高度时,主阀由浮球导阀控制关闭进水口停止供水: Remote control float valve is a hydraulic operation valve with multiple functions. The water inlet is installed in the pool or elevated water tower, when the water level reaches the set height, the main valve by the float pilot valve control to close the water inlet and water supply is stopped: 当水位下降后,主阀由浮球开关控制打开进水口向水池汪水,实现自动补水。液位控制精确,不受水压干扰100隔膜式遥控浮球阀可随水池的高度及使用空间任意位置安装, When the water level drops, the main valve is composed of a floating ball switch control to open the water inlet to the water tank, automatic replenishment. Liquid level control precision, not disturbed with water pressure 100 Diaphragm type remote control float valve can be used with the pool height and space installed at any position, 进口遥控浮球阀维护、调试、检查方便、密封可靠,使用寿命长。隔膜式阀门性能可靠、强度高、动作灵活适用于4 50mm口径以下的管道。DN 500mm[]径以上的建议使用活塞式。 如果您有需要咨询更详细的产品信息 欢迎联系德国沃德一级代理商:北京高科恒通阀门有限公司 电话:010-57164003 手机:13381067663 联系人:苏先生 |